A while back I treated myself to two luscious skeins of Cascade Pure Alpaca in a gorgeous ice blue colorway. I originally intended to make a Cedar Leaf Shawlette with it, but decided that some other yarn I had in my stash was more suitable for that project (more on that later). So in the stash it sat. Until. I had an enlightened moment. This yarn was destined to be an infinity style scarf/cowl! So warm and soft, it is perfect for neck wear and I had a shawl's worth I would definitely have enough with not too much left over! But it needed to be slightly lacy, because alpaca is very warm. Now all I needed was the pattern. Well, easier said than done. This one's too solid, this one's too lacy, but this one is jusssst right ;). After scouring Ravelry I found the Seraphina Cowl and the instant I saw it I knew. This was the one.
Just enough solid fabric and lace and, I must say, holey drape! (Get it? hole-y!) I love this scarfcowl (heehee). It got a lot of good use this winter, and I can still wear it with a tee on warmer days.
Pattern: Seraphina Cowl by Abigail Wang
Hook: G, Susan Bates bamboo handle (looove)
Modifications: Went down a hook size, crocheted more rows
Yarn: Cascade Yarns Pure Alpaca, colorway 3031
I'm really happy with this cowl, and it is a part of KnitPicks Independent Designers Program so the pattern only $1.99! Head over there and check it out, it's a pretty sweet program with both crochet and knit patterns available.
As you can see, its really versatile. Doubled up its pretty warm and very fashionable. Tripled it's extremely warm! I found myself tripling it outside and wearing it doubled inside. All in all, great pattern (well written, easily memorized) + great yarn = great cowl.
I also wanted to take a second to show you my earrings. They are vintage, passed down from my great grandmother.
Pretty, huh? Well that's about all for now. I hope you're all working on some equally satisfying projects while enjoying the first glorious signs of Spring!
Until next time