Monday, February 8, 2010


So, in my first post I mentioned that one of the big reasons I am starting this blog is to help represent crochet in the blogosphere. Staying true to my promise I present the mini wrap sweater (rav link).

This adorable little sweater is brought to you by none other than my favortite magazine, Crochet Today. I'm not sure in what issue it was originally published but I got it in the special "gifts" issue.  Personally, I think it is the perfect gift for my little cousin's first birthday. Also, I'm trying to maintain tradition seeing as I gave her mother a crocheted baby blanket at her shower.

This is my first garment-like attempt in both knitting and crochet so I was a little hesitant. However, after a few days of mulling it over I started to get really excited. I convinced Andrew to take me to AC Moore so I could get the yarn. I went with Bernat instead of the recomened Red Heart Baby Econo just because the Bernat was softer. Usually I am all about them natural fibers, but let's be real people. It's a baby sweater. The thing will be covered in food, dirt, or other less pleasant materials in a matter of minutes.  Anywho, I swatched (yes, that does say swatched) Monday night and here was my progress as of the next morning.

I know, I know. It's not much but by nine or so I was crusing along. By Thursday morning (if you haven't noticed Tuesday and Thursday mornings are usually the few moments I get to steal away and crochet) it was defintley slightly more impressive.

See? Adorable. And so quick to crochet. This is literally probably two and half hours of work. Which is good because knowing babies that is about the time it will take her to grow out of it. But in all seriousness it has been a lot of fun to crochet so far. Right now it has two sleeves and just needs a bit of finishing. Hopefully I will stop dragging my feet and finish it this week. Even more hopefully, I will get an adorable pic of the little cutie wearing it.
All in all; good pattern. True to my name, I did have to frog it. But only once.

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