Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Little (Crafty) Challenge Never Hurt Anyone...

....Right? As I'm sure was obvious from the lack, or complete absence, of posting I have been in a bit of a funk lately. Sometimes in Summer when there is too much time to do things I like, I don't. It isn't like I get sick of my favorite things I just get in a funk. Seems lately anything I try to crochet, anything I try to knit just isn't doing it for me. So I started reading Harry Potter again. I'm reading the Prisoner of Azkaban now ,but as much as I love them I can only read so much in a day. So I have decided to give myself a little crafty challenge to (hopefully) send me flying out of my funk. What have I chosen? What are the guidelines? I'm glad you asked.

Elise's First Ever Summer Crafty Challenge

The Subject: Linda Permann's Floral Motif Top from Crochet Adorned
The Materials: Two balls Mandarin Petit in light pink colorway
and one yard and a half fabric
The Challenge: Finish the motif yoke by Friday, just in time for Grammie to help sew the bodice.

So there it is. I purchased the yarn and fabric yesterday at Saflter's and I am challenging myself to have all the crocheting done by Friday when we go down to visit my Grammie for a few days. Now I'll bet you wanna see the yarn and fabric, eh? I don't blame you.

Photo courtesy of Andrew's front steps. So the yarn is called Mandarin Petit is about a DK or sport weight. The label is entirely a different language but I was able to decipher that it is 100% cotton. The fabric is also cotton and was my first fabric purchase ever. Here's a better look.

I was attracted to the slightly girly and slightly vintage print almost immediately. By almost immediately I mean that all the blues and greens caught my eye first but everything I make can't be blue or green. Even though pink isn't a usual color for me I am in  love with my choice of materials for this project. I have always wanted to sew and have been trying to make time for it for at least two years. I'm secretly hoping that this project will be like a gateway drug into the world of sewing and fabric.

I'll be keeping you updated on the progress of this challenge, so until then.
Peace and Love!

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